Thursday, August 21, 2014


I like to observe the cultural icons we've created for our 

national conceptual shorthand and deconstruct them. Like 

this one for instance, universally understood in America to 

signify a rich, exploitative capitalist. It's a hold over from the 

J.P. Morgan image at the close of the 19th century: The 

banker's striped trousers. The upper class silk top hat. The 

expensive Cuban cigar. The overfed corpulence indicating 

piggish, I-scarf-up-more-than-my-fair-share behavior. The 

white handlebar moustache signifying that it took time to 

accumulate a fortune. No Mark Zuckerbergs, Bill Gates or 

Steve Jobs overnight billionaires in their 20's back then. The 

only ham-handed element to assure everyone gets the 

message of the icon is the money bags. How long will we 

keep this image? It's already been 120-130 years. Cultural 

touchstones like Aunt Jemimah and Betty Crocker have 

been modernized. Will this kind of update happen to the rich 

capitalist icon? If so, what will he look like in the year 2100?